I don't know what has come over me, but last few days while browsing the net, I found myself purposely searching for Galaxy Print shoes....
Last month, I bought a Galaxy bag through online and now I'm desperate for Galaxy shoes....
At first I thought of buying it through online but I found out that its quite expensive so I decided to make my OWN Galaxy Print Shoes....!?!
Acrylic Paint is the main ingredients.... If YOU would like to paint them with Pink colour then YOU have to mix it on YOUR own as its not selling in the market....
YOU also need brushes.... Sponges can be used if YOU want but I personally prefer paint brush...
Aerosol Paint....
Cellophane tape....
This is the shoes I going to paint on....
I bought this shoes from Bata & it costs me RM40...
YOU can buy any shoes if YOU want.... ^^
Firstly, YOU have to prepare a pair of shoes... Any plain shoes will do... doesn't mean must be the exactly the same shoes as mine... ^^
Secondly, take the shoes laces out and tape round the soles of the shoes in order to avoid painting on it...
Just like this....
P.S This picture is from GOOGLE... xD
Thirdly, before YOU start to paint, YOU have to mix some colours as there is ONLY basic colour selling in the market... Once YOU have done mixing, YOU can start to paint... Just paint it like YOU are painting on the paper... ^^
Then, this step is optional... YOU can dab little bit of white paint around the shoes to create the effect of stars & cloud... I personally prefer simple and nice so I didn't try it...
After that, YOU can flick paint over the shoes using toothbrush to create stars. Add a couple of bigger stars if YOU want to...
Finally, let the shoes dry overnight in order to make sure that its fully dried up.... Once its dried up, spray the aerosol paint around the shoes so that the paint will last long and wouldn't fade away.... YOU are done~!!!
Good Luck~!
This is before the paint dried up....
A closer LoOK.... xD
Final Result....!?!
I absolutely L0v3 how mine turned out..... At first I wasn't too sure if they'd look good at all but after painting them with different colours and it look AWESOME~! It looks exactly what I want! I seriously can't wait to wear them... HaHaHa...
Anyway, Good Luck to YOU people who want to DIY YOURSELVES too...
P.S There is NOTHING impossible to him who will try... <3